Sungguh surga menjanjikan
Di jalan yang mendaki penuh duri
Dan neraka menawarkan
Harumnya wangi dunia
Bagai kuntum bunga
Harusku bagaimana tuk memilih
agar hidupku berarti
Inginku, slalu dalam dekapan-Mu
Bila taqwa menjawab, semua ku tak henti mencoba
Jatuh bangkit aku kembali, tiada lelah hati ini
walau dunia indah tercipta ku takkan terpedaya
karna janji-Mu tiada dua trus bertaqwa
~Haris Isa~
Lagu ini seolah membisikan pada hati kita bahwa Taqwa adalah jawaban untuk semua masalah di dunia ini. Bahwa dengan kedekatan kepada Sang Pencipta-lah hati kita akan menjadi tenang - bahkan dengan berbagai masalah yang datang - apapun itu. Bahwa orang dalam lagu ini seakan berjuang keras untuk mendapat gelar taqwa, meraih Cinta Tuhan-nya ("Jatuh bangkit aku kembali, tiada lelah hati ini"). Lagu ini mengingatkan kita semua untuk tetap 'BERDIRI' dan 'BERJALAN' tanpa henti - through a long road because The Greatest, GOD, put the most beautiful thing in the end of the road, namely HEAVEN.
To reach the end of the road you don't need to run all the time. You can walk, go slowly, even do run. But do not try to stop. When life seems so hard and your feet feels so tired, just lowering your head, praying and going slower. Yeah, Never stop, because the Heaven is yours, for those who believe in Allah more than anything in this worldly life. Pray much, keep moving and be sure that Allah is always be with you all the time - In every breath, in every single blink of eyes, in every single step of yours.
Selasa, 24 Juli 2012
Kamis, 31 Mei 2012
ingin bertemu
ingin memelukmu
mencium keningmu
pipimu dan membelai rambutmu
mengambilkan air minum untukmu
mendengar lagi omelanmu
membaca surat Yaasin bersama
ingin menggenggam tanganmu
seperti pernah dirimu mencari tanganku dalam lipatan selimut saat aku hampir terlelap
dan selalu kau mengataknnya,
Jangan pernah tinggalkan mama
pulang kerja cepet2
mau berangkat kerja jam berapa?
pulangnya jam berapa?
kapan wisuda?
jangan lupa makan
ayo tahajud
lagi sakit ya?
kenapa ga jawab pertanyaan mama?
dasar aku anak bodoh
mama disana sama siapa?
ada temen ga?
butuh pelukan-kah?
ga ada yang buat mama nangis kan disana?
sakit ga disana?
kangen ga sama aku?
kok ga jawab?
lagi, dasar aku anak bodoh
ingin memelukmu
mencium keningmu
pipimu dan membelai rambutmu
mengambilkan air minum untukmu
mendengar lagi omelanmu
membaca surat Yaasin bersama
ingin menggenggam tanganmu
seperti pernah dirimu mencari tanganku dalam lipatan selimut saat aku hampir terlelap
dan selalu kau mengataknnya,
Jangan pernah tinggalkan mama
pulang kerja cepet2
mau berangkat kerja jam berapa?
pulangnya jam berapa?
kapan wisuda?
jangan lupa makan
ayo tahajud
lagi sakit ya?
kenapa ga jawab pertanyaan mama?
dasar aku anak bodoh
mama disana sama siapa?
ada temen ga?
butuh pelukan-kah?
ga ada yang buat mama nangis kan disana?
sakit ga disana?
kangen ga sama aku?
kok ga jawab?
lagi, dasar aku anak bodoh
Rabu, 30 Mei 2012
Sekarang aku punya cincin baru
Cincin almarhumah mama
Bukan cincin asli
Akan selalu kupakai
Meski bukan cincin asli
Ya, bukan asli
Dan aku menyesal kenapa tidak asli
Dan kenapa aku dulu tidak membelikannya cincin asli
Hanya sekedar untuk membuatnya tersenyum dan bahagia
Cincin yang mungkin terlihat biasa ini
Akan terus menempel di kelingking
Dan setiap aku menatapnya, menyentuhnya
Aku tahu bahwa aku selalu dekat dengannya
Dan kan kukirimkan untaian doa cinta untuknya
Dan meyakinkannya, aku selalu ada untuknya, disini, mendoakannya
Ma, baik-baik ya disana
Aku tahu Allah akan menjaga dirimu disana
Dan mama akan selalu baik-baik saja
Dan untuk kesekian kalinya
Aku sentuh Kelingking ini dan ingin ku katakan bahwa,
Aku kan selalu ada untukmu, disini, mendoakanmu
You know I love you so, and
I'm never gonna leave your side
Yes, Never
- Windari
Cincin almarhumah mama
Bukan cincin asli
Akan selalu kupakai
Meski bukan cincin asli
Ya, bukan asli
Dan aku menyesal kenapa tidak asli
Dan kenapa aku dulu tidak membelikannya cincin asli
Hanya sekedar untuk membuatnya tersenyum dan bahagia
Cincin yang mungkin terlihat biasa ini
Akan terus menempel di kelingking
Dan setiap aku menatapnya, menyentuhnya
Aku tahu bahwa aku selalu dekat dengannya
Dan kan kukirimkan untaian doa cinta untuknya
Dan meyakinkannya, aku selalu ada untuknya, disini, mendoakannya
Ma, baik-baik ya disana
Aku tahu Allah akan menjaga dirimu disana
Dan mama akan selalu baik-baik saja
Dan untuk kesekian kalinya
Aku sentuh Kelingking ini dan ingin ku katakan bahwa,
Aku kan selalu ada untukmu, disini, mendoakanmu
You know I love you so, and
I'm never gonna leave your side
Yes, Never
- Windari
Back Home
"Emangnya Eza pikir, tante mau nerima eza kalo eza terus-trusan kayak gini? ga akan. kinder aja ga mau nerima eza, apalagi tante."
Itulah hal yang kukatakan padanya, saat ia kabur dari asrama karena sebuah kenakalan.
Dia terdiam dan tiba-tiba seperti kehilangan nafsu makannya
Lalu dia menyusut sesuatu dari matanya. Dia menangis. Iyakah?
Padahal setelah beratus kata2 keras yang dilontarkan kakakku tidak juga meluluhkannya.
Aku tak kuasa lagi menahannya. aku juga mau menangis. Asal dirimu tahu, Cinta,
Saat aku mengatakan hal itu, disaat yang sama aku mengingkarinya dan mengatakan hal yang sebaliknya.
Kapanpun kamu merasa terbuang, kamu boleh kembali ke rumah ini, setiap saat. kapanpun
Tapi sayangnya kamu terlanjur nakal. Sangat nakal bahkan untuk ukuran anak kelas 1 SMP sepertimu.
Apalagi yang harus ku katakan ketika aku ingin mengungkapkan cinta dengan jalan yang berbeda
Karena ternyata cinta dengan senyum dan pelukan, terkadang tidak cukup untuk mengungkapkan sebuah kasih sayang dan perhatian
Aku selalu ada untukmu. Disini. Menjagamu dan Mendoakanmu.
Itulah hal yang kukatakan padanya, saat ia kabur dari asrama karena sebuah kenakalan.
Dia terdiam dan tiba-tiba seperti kehilangan nafsu makannya
Lalu dia menyusut sesuatu dari matanya. Dia menangis. Iyakah?
Padahal setelah beratus kata2 keras yang dilontarkan kakakku tidak juga meluluhkannya.
Aku tak kuasa lagi menahannya. aku juga mau menangis. Asal dirimu tahu, Cinta,
Saat aku mengatakan hal itu, disaat yang sama aku mengingkarinya dan mengatakan hal yang sebaliknya.
Kapanpun kamu merasa terbuang, kamu boleh kembali ke rumah ini, setiap saat. kapanpun
Tapi sayangnya kamu terlanjur nakal. Sangat nakal bahkan untuk ukuran anak kelas 1 SMP sepertimu.
Apalagi yang harus ku katakan ketika aku ingin mengungkapkan cinta dengan jalan yang berbeda
Karena ternyata cinta dengan senyum dan pelukan, terkadang tidak cukup untuk mengungkapkan sebuah kasih sayang dan perhatian
Aku selalu ada untukmu. Disini. Menjagamu dan Mendoakanmu.
Rabu, 23 Mei 2012
Ya Allah, Dia suka nangis kalo ditinggal sendirian.
Ya Allah,
Ringankan siksanya, hilangkan siksanya
Terangi kuburnya
Ringankan hisabnya
Tidurkan dia dalam tenang
Tenangkan hatinya
Turunkan malaikat-malaikat untuk menjaganya
Jangan biarkan dia menangis kesakitan
Jangan biarkan dia menangis kesepian
Dia akan menangis jika sendirian
Terima semua amalannya
Ampuni semua dosanya
Ambilah semua amalan hamba yang sedikit ini untuknya
Hanya untuknya
Hanya agar dia tidak menangis dan kesepian disana
Turunkan ratusan malaikat yang menemani dan menghiburnya
Masukkan dia ke dalam golongan hamba-hambamu yang sholeh
Masukkan dia ke syurgamu
Jika semuanya tidak cukup
Lagi, ambilah semua amalan hamba yang sedikit ini untuknya
Jangan biarkan dia menangis disana, ya Allah
Jangan biarkan dia menangis
O my Lord, just let me know what i could do to make her happy there
Ya Allah,
Ringankan siksanya, hilangkan siksanya
Terangi kuburnya
Ringankan hisabnya
Tidurkan dia dalam tenang
Tenangkan hatinya
Turunkan malaikat-malaikat untuk menjaganya
Jangan biarkan dia menangis kesakitan
Jangan biarkan dia menangis kesepian
Dia akan menangis jika sendirian
Terima semua amalannya
Ampuni semua dosanya
Ambilah semua amalan hamba yang sedikit ini untuknya
Hanya untuknya
Hanya agar dia tidak menangis dan kesepian disana
Turunkan ratusan malaikat yang menemani dan menghiburnya
Masukkan dia ke dalam golongan hamba-hambamu yang sholeh
Masukkan dia ke syurgamu
Jika semuanya tidak cukup
Lagi, ambilah semua amalan hamba yang sedikit ini untuknya
Jangan biarkan dia menangis disana, ya Allah
Jangan biarkan dia menangis
O my Lord, just let me know what i could do to make her happy there
Selasa, 08 Mei 2012
Ketidakteraturan yang indah
Terkadang keteraturan itu membosankan dan terkadang ketidak teraturan itu menyemangkan dan meledak-ledak bagai kejutan. Mungkin sebuah rutinitas akan terasa membosankan, mungkin. Tapi tidak juga. Ya, tergantung dari sudut mana kita melihatnya. Mengapa? Ya, dengan mensyukuri apapun - syukur dalam setiap sejuk udara pagi hari yang kau tarik dan hembuskan, dalam setiap tegap langkah kakimu yang penuh semangat, dalam setiap senyum orang yang kau temui di jalan, dalam setiap kedipan mata penuh rasa syukur pada Tuhanmu.
Dan semuanya - dalam rutinitas itu - terkadang hadir ledakan-ledakan kecil mengejutkan yang dibingkiskan Tuhan untuk kita dan memberikan gradasi yang lebih meriah dalam hari yang kita jalani.
Ini hanya sebuah tulisan acak - karena pikiran saya sedang tidak beraturan, pikiran yang terkadang seperti berisi ratusan kelereng yang mendesak ingin keluar. Ya, ketidakteraturan itu indah.
Dan semuanya - dalam rutinitas itu - terkadang hadir ledakan-ledakan kecil mengejutkan yang dibingkiskan Tuhan untuk kita dan memberikan gradasi yang lebih meriah dalam hari yang kita jalani.
Ini hanya sebuah tulisan acak - karena pikiran saya sedang tidak beraturan, pikiran yang terkadang seperti berisi ratusan kelereng yang mendesak ingin keluar. Ya, ketidakteraturan itu indah.
Senin, 30 April 2012
Dia Yang Hebat
Hal ini kudengar langsung dari bibir Bob Sadino, paling sedikit tiga kali. Pertama dihadapan orang banyak, lalu kedua ketika berbincang denganku face to face, dan ketiga di Buku "Belajar Goblok dari Bob Sadino".
Tetapi adegan yang paling berkesan adalah ketika hal itu diucapkannya didepan para pengusaha yang sengaja diundang beliau kerumah. Dan diantara mereka hanya aku undangan yang agak nyeleneh..seorang photographer.
"Kalau kalian berpikir bahwa Bob Sadino hebat, kalian salah besar. Tapi kalian tak sepenuhnya salah, memang seperti itulah yang diangkat oleh media tentang pengusaha nyeleneh bernama Bob Sadino". Ia terdiam sebentar sambil mengusap wajahnya. Lalu melirik kearah dapur, kemudian menatap dengan mesra seseorang. Disana terlihat Mami (istri Om Bob) tengah duduk makan. Kamipun ikut-ikutan melirik kearah yang sama.
"Dia..dia itu..", ujar Om Bob terbata-bata dengan suara berat. Ekspresi wajah haru itu membuat kami hampir tidak berani menatap kearah beliau.
"Dia yang hebat...", lanjut Om Bob sambil menarik nafas panjang dan berat, lalu menghembuskannya perlahan.
"Kalau ketika saya menjadi kuli batu dulu..dia meninggalkan saya..habislah sudah.."
Kali ini Om Bob menunduk hikmat, tangannya kini menggosok lututnya yang telah keriput.
Seisi ruangan sunyi senyap. Yang terdengar hanyalah hembusan 12 AC yang terpasang di ruangan besar itu. Atmosfir cinta yang kuat memenuhi ruangan itu demikian kuat.
"Without Her.. I'm just like a piece of shit on the table..a big piece of shit on the table !"
Kini tak seorangpun berani menatap Bob Sadino..kami terutama para lelaki tertunduk dalam. Kata-kata tak terduga..
dan jika aku bukan laki-laki pastilah aku sudah meneteskan air mata melihat adegan ini didepan hidungku.
Hiruk pikuk sexy dancer sudah mereda, meskipun pesta belumlah usai. Kini laki-laki berdarah Bali itu berdiri tegak
sambil menggenggam mikrofon ditangan kirinya. Kadek Sardjana, seorang owner perusahaan minyak dan gas terkemuka berdiri dihadapan seluruh karyawan dan partner bisnis beliau. Hampir tidak bisa bicara..
"Saya tidak sedang mabuk..". ujarnya perlahan. Cerutu dijari kanannya tampak bergetar, jelas ia sedang berusaha menguasai dirinya sungguh-sungguh.
"Kalian tahu siapa saya..bagi saya kalian bukan karyawan..tapi kalian adalah kawan seperjuangan", sebentar ia menatap mereka satu-persatu.
"Kalian tahu persis baik-buruk saya, dan apa yang telah saya lakukan..saya bukan laki-laki yang sempurna", kembali Kadek menarik nafas dalam-dalam. Wajah laki-laki pemberani itu melembut.
"Tapi saya ingin kalian tahu..bahwa tanpa dia", kini jari kanan itu membuka dan mengarah penuh hormat kearah seseorang di atas sana, Sang Istri Tercinta..
"Tanpa dia..semua ini tidak akan seperti yang kalian lihat sekarang"
Kini Kadek Sarjana sedikit menundukkan kepala seolah memberi hormat...
"Honey..aku bukan laki-laki yang sempurna..but I Love You so Much..semua ini untuk mu Honey"
kini ruanganpun bertambah sunyi senyap..tidak ada satupun yang berani bicara atau bertepuk tangan.
Sementara wanita luar biasa diatas sanapun mulai menangis terharu..
dan beberapa saat kemudian pasangan luar biasa itupun tampak berdansa di dance floor dalam remang lampu, dikelilingi karyawan dan udnangan.
"Mau tahu apa yang saya banggakan ?", tanya Mario Teguh kepada seluruh hadirin yang hadir distudio itu.
"Mau tau apa itu ?", ulangnya sekali lagi.
Kami semua terdiam. Masing-masing memendam pertanyaan besar. Apa yang dibanggakan oleh seorang Mario Teguh ? Pertanyaan yang aneh. Betapa banyak yang dapat dibanggakan oleh seorang Mario Teguh !!!
"Karena ada yang mengangguk..maka saya akan menjawabnya juga", sambung beliau..melihat kebingungan kami. Jelas tak satupun yang betanya, namun Mario memang tak memerlukan pertanyaan..Ia hanya ingin mendelarasi sesuatu.
"Yang paling saya banggakan adalah istri saya..", sambungnya dengan mata berkaca-kaca.
Seluruh hadirinpun bertepuk tangan.
"Made..kamu lagi ngapain ??", tanya sesorang diujung telpon sana. Suara yang khas. Suara yang begitu sering kita dengar meneriakkan "Success is my rigth !! Salam Sukses...Luar BIasa !!!!"
Yaa..Andrie Wongso. Beliau menelponku disaat yang tak kuduga sama sekali. Ketika aku sedang bercelana pendek, memotong rumput dan belum mandi. Kami ngobrol sebentar...lalu ketika obrolan kami menyerempet ke keluarga..anak..lalu istri. Iseng saya menanyakan hal ini.."Pak Andrie..menurut Bapak apa peran istri bagi seorang Andrie Wongso..?"
Seketika itu tokoh yang telah menginspirasi begitu banyak orang itu pun terdiam. Aku tahu hubungan telpon tidak terputus. Motivator Nomer 1 itu memang sengaja diam.
Nyaris lebih dari satu menit.
"Pak Andrie..?", tanyaku hati-hati. Beberapa saat kemudian sebuah suara berat dari Andrie Wongsopun muncul." Iya Made..I hear you..", Andrie kembali terdiam,"Istri..yah...?".
Aku mendengar suara senyuman dari telepon beliau.
"Tanpa istri..Andrie Wongso pastilah bukan Motivator Nomer 1...entah jadi apa dia !!", ujarnya penuh perasaan.
"Made, dialah satu-satunya orang yang begitu tabah mendampingi saya dimasa-masa sulit dulu.."
Tetapi adegan yang paling berkesan adalah ketika hal itu diucapkannya didepan para pengusaha yang sengaja diundang beliau kerumah. Dan diantara mereka hanya aku undangan yang agak nyeleneh..seorang photographer.
"Kalau kalian berpikir bahwa Bob Sadino hebat, kalian salah besar. Tapi kalian tak sepenuhnya salah, memang seperti itulah yang diangkat oleh media tentang pengusaha nyeleneh bernama Bob Sadino". Ia terdiam sebentar sambil mengusap wajahnya. Lalu melirik kearah dapur, kemudian menatap dengan mesra seseorang. Disana terlihat Mami (istri Om Bob) tengah duduk makan. Kamipun ikut-ikutan melirik kearah yang sama.
"Dia..dia itu..", ujar Om Bob terbata-bata dengan suara berat. Ekspresi wajah haru itu membuat kami hampir tidak berani menatap kearah beliau.
"Dia yang hebat...", lanjut Om Bob sambil menarik nafas panjang dan berat, lalu menghembuskannya perlahan.
"Kalau ketika saya menjadi kuli batu dulu..dia meninggalkan saya..habislah sudah.."
Kali ini Om Bob menunduk hikmat, tangannya kini menggosok lututnya yang telah keriput.
Seisi ruangan sunyi senyap. Yang terdengar hanyalah hembusan 12 AC yang terpasang di ruangan besar itu. Atmosfir cinta yang kuat memenuhi ruangan itu demikian kuat.
"Without Her.. I'm just like a piece of shit on the table..a big piece of shit on the table !"
Kini tak seorangpun berani menatap Bob Sadino..kami terutama para lelaki tertunduk dalam. Kata-kata tak terduga..
dan jika aku bukan laki-laki pastilah aku sudah meneteskan air mata melihat adegan ini didepan hidungku.
Hiruk pikuk sexy dancer sudah mereda, meskipun pesta belumlah usai. Kini laki-laki berdarah Bali itu berdiri tegak
sambil menggenggam mikrofon ditangan kirinya. Kadek Sardjana, seorang owner perusahaan minyak dan gas terkemuka berdiri dihadapan seluruh karyawan dan partner bisnis beliau. Hampir tidak bisa bicara..
"Saya tidak sedang mabuk..". ujarnya perlahan. Cerutu dijari kanannya tampak bergetar, jelas ia sedang berusaha menguasai dirinya sungguh-sungguh.
"Kalian tahu siapa saya..bagi saya kalian bukan karyawan..tapi kalian adalah kawan seperjuangan", sebentar ia menatap mereka satu-persatu.
"Kalian tahu persis baik-buruk saya, dan apa yang telah saya lakukan..saya bukan laki-laki yang sempurna", kembali Kadek menarik nafas dalam-dalam. Wajah laki-laki pemberani itu melembut.
"Tapi saya ingin kalian tahu..bahwa tanpa dia", kini jari kanan itu membuka dan mengarah penuh hormat kearah seseorang di atas sana, Sang Istri Tercinta..
"Tanpa dia..semua ini tidak akan seperti yang kalian lihat sekarang"
Kini Kadek Sarjana sedikit menundukkan kepala seolah memberi hormat...
"Honey..aku bukan laki-laki yang sempurna..but I Love You so Much..semua ini untuk mu Honey"
kini ruanganpun bertambah sunyi senyap..tidak ada satupun yang berani bicara atau bertepuk tangan.
Sementara wanita luar biasa diatas sanapun mulai menangis terharu..
dan beberapa saat kemudian pasangan luar biasa itupun tampak berdansa di dance floor dalam remang lampu, dikelilingi karyawan dan udnangan.
"Mau tahu apa yang saya banggakan ?", tanya Mario Teguh kepada seluruh hadirin yang hadir distudio itu.
"Mau tau apa itu ?", ulangnya sekali lagi.
Kami semua terdiam. Masing-masing memendam pertanyaan besar. Apa yang dibanggakan oleh seorang Mario Teguh ? Pertanyaan yang aneh. Betapa banyak yang dapat dibanggakan oleh seorang Mario Teguh !!!
"Karena ada yang mengangguk..maka saya akan menjawabnya juga", sambung beliau..melihat kebingungan kami. Jelas tak satupun yang betanya, namun Mario memang tak memerlukan pertanyaan..Ia hanya ingin mendelarasi sesuatu.
"Yang paling saya banggakan adalah istri saya..", sambungnya dengan mata berkaca-kaca.
Seluruh hadirinpun bertepuk tangan.
"Made..kamu lagi ngapain ??", tanya sesorang diujung telpon sana. Suara yang khas. Suara yang begitu sering kita dengar meneriakkan "Success is my rigth !! Salam Sukses...Luar BIasa !!!!"
Yaa..Andrie Wongso. Beliau menelponku disaat yang tak kuduga sama sekali. Ketika aku sedang bercelana pendek, memotong rumput dan belum mandi. Kami ngobrol sebentar...lalu ketika obrolan kami menyerempet ke keluarga..anak..lalu istri. Iseng saya menanyakan hal ini.."Pak Andrie..menurut Bapak apa peran istri bagi seorang Andrie Wongso..?"
Seketika itu tokoh yang telah menginspirasi begitu banyak orang itu pun terdiam. Aku tahu hubungan telpon tidak terputus. Motivator Nomer 1 itu memang sengaja diam.
Nyaris lebih dari satu menit.
"Pak Andrie..?", tanyaku hati-hati. Beberapa saat kemudian sebuah suara berat dari Andrie Wongsopun muncul." Iya Made..I hear you..", Andrie kembali terdiam,"Istri..yah...?".
Aku mendengar suara senyuman dari telepon beliau.
"Tanpa istri..Andrie Wongso pastilah bukan Motivator Nomer 1...entah jadi apa dia !!", ujarnya penuh perasaan.
"Made, dialah satu-satunya orang yang begitu tabah mendampingi saya dimasa-masa sulit dulu.."
Minggu, 29 April 2012
When You Stood By Me
Untuk semua waktu yang kau korbankan demi menemaniku
Untuk semua kebaikan yang membuatku tersadar
Untuk semua tawa yang kau hadirkan dalam warna hidupku
Untuk semua kesalahan yang kau abaikan
Untuk semua cita yang kau buat jadi nyata
Untuk semua cinta yang mengisi ruang hatimu
Untuk semua itulah aku ingin berterima kasih
Kaulah penyangga tubuh lemahku
Sehingga aku tidak pernah terjatuh
Hanya kaulah yang mampu melihat aku
melebihi apa yang bisa dilihat orang lain
Kau adalah kekuatanku saat diriku lemah
Kau adalah nyanyianku saat aku tidak mampu berkata-kata
Kau menjadi penuntunku saat aku tidak mampu melihat
Hanya kaulah yang mampu melihat sisi terbaikku
melebihi apa yang bisa dilihat orang lain
Kaulah yang menyokong beban tubuhku saat aku tidak bisa menggapai langit
Kau memberikanku cinta dan kepercayaan tanpa membutuhkan alasan
Dan semuanya ada, karena kau mencintaiku
Kau menghadiahkan sepasang sayap dan membuatku terbang
Kusentuh langit berkat sentuhan lembut tangganmu
Kaulah yang mengembalikan semua hal yang aku anggap hilang
katamu, tidak ada bintang yang tidak bisa kugapai
Dan kau berdiri disini sehingga aku bisa melompat lebih tinggi
Ya, Saat aku memiliki cintaku,
aku tahu bahwa aku telah memiliki semuanya
Terima kasih untuk setiap detik cinta yang kau hadiahkan dalam hidupku
Meski terkadang aku tak menyadarinya,
Meski terkadang aku mengabaikannya
Dan ya, kini aku tahu
Dicintai olehmu
adalah anugrah terindah yang pernah aku miliki dalam hidup ini
Kau selalu ada untukku
Kau adalah hembusan angin lembut yang dikirim tuhan untukku
Kau adalah sinaran cahaya yang datang dalam kegelapan asa
Kau adalah inspirasi
Kau adalah kebenaran ditengah hilir mudiknya kekaburan rasa
Dan hadirmu, telah menjadikan indah duniaku
::Lagu ini dituliskan untuk mereka, para pejuang Cinta - para orang tua yang mencintai kita dengan cara yang tidak sederhana.
@@@@ The Song @@@@
Because You Love Me - Celine Dion
For all those times you stood by me
For all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life
For all the wrong that you made right
For every dream you made come true
For all the love I found in you
I’ll be forever thankful baby
You’re the one who held me up
Never let me fall
You’re the one who saw me through through it all
You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn’t speak
You were my eyes when I couldn’t see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn’t reach
You gave me faith ’coz you believed
I’m everything I am
Because you loved me
You gave me wings and made me fly
You touched my hand I could touch the sky
I lost my faith, you gave it back to me
You said no star was out of reach
You stood by me and I stood tall
I had your love I had it all
I’m grateful for each day you gave me
Maybe I don’t know that much
But I know this much is true
I was blessed because I was loved by you
You were always there for me
The tender wind that carried me
A light in the dark shining your love into my life
You’ve been my inspiration
Through the lies you were the truth
My world is a better place because of you
I’m everything I am
Because you loved me
Untuk semua kebaikan yang membuatku tersadar
Untuk semua tawa yang kau hadirkan dalam warna hidupku
Untuk semua kesalahan yang kau abaikan
Untuk semua cita yang kau buat jadi nyata
Untuk semua cinta yang mengisi ruang hatimu
Untuk semua itulah aku ingin berterima kasih
Kaulah penyangga tubuh lemahku
Sehingga aku tidak pernah terjatuh
Hanya kaulah yang mampu melihat aku
melebihi apa yang bisa dilihat orang lain
Kau adalah kekuatanku saat diriku lemah
Kau adalah nyanyianku saat aku tidak mampu berkata-kata
Kau menjadi penuntunku saat aku tidak mampu melihat
Hanya kaulah yang mampu melihat sisi terbaikku
melebihi apa yang bisa dilihat orang lain
Kaulah yang menyokong beban tubuhku saat aku tidak bisa menggapai langit
Kau memberikanku cinta dan kepercayaan tanpa membutuhkan alasan
Dan semuanya ada, karena kau mencintaiku
Kau menghadiahkan sepasang sayap dan membuatku terbang
Kusentuh langit berkat sentuhan lembut tangganmu
Kaulah yang mengembalikan semua hal yang aku anggap hilang
katamu, tidak ada bintang yang tidak bisa kugapai
Dan kau berdiri disini sehingga aku bisa melompat lebih tinggi
Ya, Saat aku memiliki cintaku,
aku tahu bahwa aku telah memiliki semuanya
Terima kasih untuk setiap detik cinta yang kau hadiahkan dalam hidupku
Meski terkadang aku tak menyadarinya,
Meski terkadang aku mengabaikannya
Dan ya, kini aku tahu
Dicintai olehmu
adalah anugrah terindah yang pernah aku miliki dalam hidup ini
Kau selalu ada untukku
Kau adalah hembusan angin lembut yang dikirim tuhan untukku
Kau adalah sinaran cahaya yang datang dalam kegelapan asa
Kau adalah inspirasi
Kau adalah kebenaran ditengah hilir mudiknya kekaburan rasa
Dan hadirmu, telah menjadikan indah duniaku
::Lagu ini dituliskan untuk mereka, para pejuang Cinta - para orang tua yang mencintai kita dengan cara yang tidak sederhana.
@@@@ The Song @@@@
Because You Love Me - Celine Dion
For all those times you stood by me
For all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life
For all the wrong that you made right
For every dream you made come true
For all the love I found in you
I’ll be forever thankful baby
You’re the one who held me up
Never let me fall
You’re the one who saw me through through it all
You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn’t speak
You were my eyes when I couldn’t see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn’t reach
You gave me faith ’coz you believed
I’m everything I am
Because you loved me
You gave me wings and made me fly
You touched my hand I could touch the sky
I lost my faith, you gave it back to me
You said no star was out of reach
You stood by me and I stood tall
I had your love I had it all
I’m grateful for each day you gave me
Maybe I don’t know that much
But I know this much is true
I was blessed because I was loved by you
You were always there for me
The tender wind that carried me
A light in the dark shining your love into my life
You’ve been my inspiration
Through the lies you were the truth
My world is a better place because of you
I’m everything I am
Because you loved me
Mengikat Makna
"Kita bisa saja membaca banyak buku, tetapi selama kita tidak memposisikan dan mengemukakan pemikiran dan pendapat kita sendiri, boleh jadi pengertian dan pengetahuan kita bertambah tetapi pemahaman kita tidak. Demikian juga menulis, kita bisa mengutip apa saja dan siapa saja, tetapi selama kita tidak mengemukakan pemikiran dan pendapat kita sendiri, tulisan kita tidak melangkah sedikitpun di dunia gagasan kecuali hanya menjadi ikhtisar atau laporan tentang hal-hal yang kita baca atau kita ketahui "
- qoute
Ya, mungkin itulah dari arti kata mengikat makna yang sebenarnya. Jika tidak diikat, maka makna dari bacaan yang kita baca akan hilang dan tidak akan jadi sebuah lesson, sebuah pemikiran baru, sebuah wawasan baru. Hanya bacaan saja-kah? tentu saja tidak. Anda bisa Mengikat Makna dari apa saja yang anda lihat, dari yang anda dengar dan rasakan. Lihat, Renungkan, Bentuk opini sendiri, lalu tumpahkan dalam tulisan.
- qoute
Ya, mungkin itulah dari arti kata mengikat makna yang sebenarnya. Jika tidak diikat, maka makna dari bacaan yang kita baca akan hilang dan tidak akan jadi sebuah lesson, sebuah pemikiran baru, sebuah wawasan baru. Hanya bacaan saja-kah? tentu saja tidak. Anda bisa Mengikat Makna dari apa saja yang anda lihat, dari yang anda dengar dan rasakan. Lihat, Renungkan, Bentuk opini sendiri, lalu tumpahkan dalam tulisan.
Most Common Questions asked by Non-Muslims - Part 2
11. PORK
Why is the
eating of pork forbidden in Islam?
The fact that
consumption of pork is prohibited in Islam is well known. The following
points explain various aspects of this prohibition:
1. |
Pork prohibited in Qur’an |
The Qur’an prohibits the consumption of pork in no less
than 4 different places. It is prohibited in 2:173, 5:3, 6:145 and 16:115.
"Forbidden to
you (for food) are: dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine, and that on which
hath been invoked the name of other than Allah."
[Al-Qur’an 5:3]
The above
verses of the Holy Qur’an are sufficient to satisfy a Muslim as to why pork
is forbidden.
2. |
Pork prohibited in the Bible |
The Christian
is likely to be convinced by his religious scriptures. The Bible prohibits
the consumption of pork, in the book of Leviticus
"And the
swine, though he divide the hoof, and be cloven footed, yet he cheweth not
the cud; he is unclean to you".
"Of their
flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcass shall ye not touch, they are
unclean to you."
[Leviticus 11:7-8]
Pork is also
prohibited in the Bible in the book of Deuteronomy
"And the
swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud, it is unclean
unto you. Ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their dead carcass."
[Deuteronomy 14:8]
A similar
prohibition is repeated in the Bible in the book of Isaiah chapter 65 verse
3. |
Consumption of pork causes several diseases |
The other
non-Muslims and atheists will agree only if convinced through reason, logic
and science. Eating of pork can cause no less than seventy different types
of diseases. A person can have various helminthes like roundworm, pinworm,
hookworm, etc. One of the most dangerous is Taenia Solium, which is in lay
man’s terminology called tapeworm. It harbours in the intestine and is very
long. Its ova i.e. eggs, enter the blood stream and can reach almost all the
organs of the body. If it enters the brain it can cause memory loss. If it
enters the heart it can cause heart attack, if it enters the eye it can
cause blindness, if it enters the liver it can cause liver damage. It can
damage almost all the organs of the body.
dangerous helminthes is Trichura Tichurasis. A common misconception about
pork is that if it is cooked well, these ova die. In a research project
undertaken in America, it was found that out of twenty-four people suffering
from Trichura Tichurasis, twenty two had cooked the pork very well. This
indicates that the ova present in the pork do not die under normal cooking
4. |
Pork has fat building material
Pork has very
little muscle building material and contains excess of fat. This fat gets
deposited in the vessels and can cause hypertension and heart attack. It is
not surprising that over 50% of Americans suffer from hypertension.
5. |
Pig is one of the filthiest animals on earth |
The pig is
one of the filthiest animals on earth. It lives and thrives on muck, faeces
and dirt. It is the best scavenger that I know that God has produced. In the
villages they don’t have modern toilets and the villagers excrete in the
open air. Very often excreta is cleared by pigs.
Some may
argue that in advanced countries like Australia, pigs are bred in very clean
and hygienic conditions. Even in these hygienic conditions the pigs are kept
together in sties. No matter how hard you try to keep them clean they are
filthy by nature. They eat and enjoy their own as well as their neighbour’s
6. |
Pig is the most shameless animal |
The pig is the most shameless animal on the face of the earth. It is the only animal that invites its friends to have sex with its mate. In America, most people consume pork. Many times after dance parties, they have swapping of wives; i.e. many say "you sleep with my wife and I will sleep with your wife." If you eat pigs then you behave like pigs. We Indians look upon America to be very advanced and sophisticated. Whatever they do, we follow after a few years. According to an article in Island magazine, this practice of swapping wives has become common in the affluent circles of Bombay. | ||||
Question: Answer:
Alcohol has
been the scourge of human society since time immemorial. It continues to
cost countless human lives, and causes terrible misery to millions
throughout the world. Alcohol is the root cause of several problems facing
society. The statistics of soaring crime rates, increasing instances of
mental illnesses and millions of broken homes throughout the world bear mute
testimony to the destructive power of alcohol.
1. |
Prohibition of alcohol in the Qur’an
The Glorious
Qur’an prohibits the consumption of alcohol in the following verse:
"O ye who
Intoxicants and Gambling, (Dedication of) stones, And (divination by) arrows, Are an Abomination – Of Satan’s handiwork; Eschew such (abomination), That ye may prosper." [Al-Qur’an 5:90] |
2. |
Prohibition of alcohol in the Bible
The Bible
prohibits the consumption of alcohol in the following verses:
3. |
Alcohol inhibits the inhibitory centre The human beings possess an inhibitory centre in their brains. This inhibitory centre prevents the person from doing things that he considers wrong. For instance a person does not normally use abusive language while addressing his parents or elders. If he has to answer the call of nature, his inhibitory centre will prevent him from doing so in public. Therefore he uses the toilet.
When a person
consumes alcohol, the inhibitory centre itself is inhibited. That is
precisely the reason that an inebriated person is often found to be
indulging in behaviour that is completely uncharacteristic of him. For
instance the intoxicated person is found to use abusive and foul language
and does not realize his mistake even if he is addressing his parents. Many
even urinate in their clothes. Neither do they talk nor walk properly. They
even misbehave.
4. |
Cases of adultery, rape, incest and AIDS are found more among alcoholics According to National Crime Victimization Survey Bureau of Justice (U.S. Department of Justice) in the year 1996 alone everyday on an average 2,713 rapes took place. The statistics tell us that the majority of the rapists, were intoxicated while committing the crime. The same is true in cases of molestation.
According to
statistics, 8% of Americans commit incest i.e. one in every twelve to
thirteen persons in America is involved in incest. Almost all the cases of
incest are due to intoxication of one or both the persons involved.
One of the
major factors associated with the spread of AIDS, the most dreaded disease,
is alcoholism.
5. |
Every alcoholic was initially a social drinker Many may argue in favour of liquor by calling themselves ‘social drinkers’. They claim that they only have one or two pegs and they have self-control and so never get intoxicated. Investigations reveal that every alcoholic started as a social drinker. Not a single alcoholic or drunkard initially starts drinking with the intention of becoming an alcoholic or a drunkard. No social drinker can say that I have been having alcohol for several years and that I have so much self-control that I have never been intoxicated even a single time. |
6. |
If a person is intoxicated just once and commits something shameful, it will remain with him for a lifetime. Suppose a ‘social drinker’ loses his self-control just once. In a state of intoxication he commits rape or incest. Even if the act is later regretted, a normal human being is likely to carry the guilt throughout his life. Both the perpetrator and the victim are irreparably and irreversibly damaged. |
7. |
Alcohol is prohibited in the Hadith The Prophet of Islam Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
8. |
Diseases associated with alcoholism There are several scientific reasons for the prohibition of consumption of intoxicants i.e. alcohol. The maximum number of deaths in the world related to any one particular cause is due to the consumption of alcohol. Millions of people die every year only because of intake of alcohol. I need not go into the details of all the ill-effects of alcohol since most of them are commonly known. Below is a simple list of few of the alcohol related illnesses:
9. |
Alcoholism is a ‘disease’ Medical doctors have now turned liberal towards alcoholics and call alcoholism a disease rather than an addiction.
The Islamic
Research Foundation has published a pamphlet that says:
If alcohol is
a disease, it is the only disease that:
- Is sold in
- Is
advertised in newspapers, magazines, on radio and television
- Has
licensed outlets to spread it
- Produces
revenue for the government
- Brings
violent deaths on the highways
- Destroys
family life and increases crime
- Has no
germs or viral cause
Allah (swt)
in His Infinite Wisdom has warned us against this snare of Satan. Islam is
called the "Deen-ul-Fitrah" or the natural religion of Man. All its
injunctions are aimed at preserving the natural state of man. Alcohol is a
deviation from this natural state, for the individual as well as for
society. It degrades man to a level below that of the beasts he claims to be
superior to. Hence the consumption of alcohol is prohibited in Islam.
Why are two
witnesses who are women, equivalent to only one witness who is a man ?
It is not
true that two female witnesses are always considered as equal to only one
male witness. It is true only in certain cases. There are about five verses
in the Qur’an that mention witnesses, without specifying male or female.
There is only one verse in the Qur’an, that says two female witnesses are
equal to one male witness. This verse is Surah Baqarah, chapter 2 verse 282.
This is the longest verse in the Qur’an and deals with financial
transactions. It says:
"Oh! ye who
When ye deal with each other, in transactions involving future obligation in a fixed period of time reduce them to writing and get two witnesses out of your own men and if there are not two men, then a man and two women, such as ye choose, for witnesses so that if one of them errs the other can remind her." [Al-Qur’an 2:282]
This verse of
the Qur’an deals only with financial transactions. In such cases, it is
advised to make an agreement in writing between the parties and take two
witnesses, preferably both of which should be men only. In case you cannot
find two men, then one man and two women would suffice.
For instance,
suppose a person wants to undergo an operation for a particular ailment. To
confirm the treatment, he would prefer taking references from two qualified
surgeons. In case he is unable to find two surgeons, his second option would
be one surgeon and two general practitioners who are plain MBBS doctors.
Similarly in
financial transactions, two men are preferred. Islam expects men to be the
breadwinners of their families. Since financial responsibility is shouldered
by men, they are expected to be well versed in financial transactions as
compared to women. As a second option, the witness can be one man and two
women, so that if one of the women errs the other can remind her. The Arabic
word used in the Qur’an is ‘Tazil’ which means ‘confused’ or ‘to
err’. Many have wrongly translated this word as ‘to forget’. Thus financial
transactions constitute the only case in which two female witnesses are
equal to one male witness.
However, some
scholars are of the opinion that the feminine attitude can also have an
effect on the witness in a murder case. In such circumstances a woman is
more terrified as compared to a man. Due to her emotional condition she can
get confused. Therefore, according to some jurists, even in cases of murder,
two female witnesses are equivalent to one male witness. In all other cases,
one female witness is equivalent to one male witness. There are about five
verses in the Qur’an which speak about witnesses without specifying man or
While making
a will of inheritance, two just persons are required as witnesses. In Surah
Maidah chapter 5 verse 106, the Glorious Qur’an says:
"Oh you who
When death approaches any of you, (take) witnesses among yourself when making bequests." [Al-Qur’an 5:106]
two just
persons of your own (brotherhood)
or other from outside if you are journeying through the earth and the chance of death befalls you." [Al-Qur’an 65:2]
Two persons
endued with justice in case of talaq.
"Four witnesses are required in case of charge against chaste women, [Al-Qur’an 24:4]
There are
some scholars who are of the opinion that the rule of two female witnesses
equal to one male witness should be applied to all the cases. This cannot be
agreed upon because one particular verse of the Qur’an from Surah Noor
chapter 24, verse 6 clearly equates one female witness and one male witness:
"And those
who launch a charge
against their spouses, and have (in support) no evidence but their own - their solitary evidence can be received." [Al-Qur’an 24:6]
Hazrat Ayesha
(RA) hadith narrated of one witness
Many jurists
agree that even one witness of a woman is sufficient for the sighting of the
crescent of the moon. Imagine one woman witness is sufficient for one of the
pillars of Islam, i.e. fasting and the whole Muslim community of men and
women agree and accept her witness! Some jurists say that one witness is
required at the beginning of Ramadaan and two witnesses at the end of
Ramadaan. It makes no difference whether the witnesses are men or
incidents require only female witness and that of a male cannot be accepted.
For instance, in dealing with the problems of women, while giving the burial
bath i.e. ‘ghusl’ to a woman, the witness has to be a woman.
The seeming
inequality of male and female witnesses in financial transactions is not due
to any inequality of the sexes in Islam. It is only due to the different
natures and roles of men and women in society as envisaged by Islam.
Under Islamic
law, why is a woman’s share of the inherited wealth only half that of a man?
The Glorious
Qur’an contains specific and detailed guidance regarding the division of the
inherited wealth, among the rightful beneficiaries.
The Qur’anic
verses that contain guidance regarding inheritance are:
There are
three verses in the Qur’an that broadly describe the share of close
relatives i.e. Surah Nisah chapter 4 verses 11, 12 and 176. The translation
of these verses are as follows:
"Allah (swt)
(thus) directs you as regards your children’s (inheritance): to the male, a
portion equal to that of two females, if only daughters, two or more, their
share is two-thirds of the inheritance; If only one, her share is a half.
For parents,
a sixth share of the inheritance to each, if the deceased left children; If
no children, and the parents are the (only) heirs, the mother has a third;
if the deceased left brothers (or sisters) the mother has a sixth. (The
distribution in all cases is) after the payment of legacies and debts. Ye
know not whether your parents or your children are nearest to you in
benefit. These are settled portions ordained by Allah; and Allah is
All-Knowing, All-Wise.
In what your
wives leave, your share is half. If they leave no child; but if they leave a
child, ye get a fourth; after payment of legacies and debts. In what ye
leave, their share is a fourth, if ye leave no child; but if ye leave a
child, they get an eight; after payment of legacies and debts. If the man or
woman whose inheritance is in question, has left neither ascendants nor
descendants, but has left a brother or a sister, each one of the two gets a
sixth; but if more than two, they share in a third; after payment of
legacies and debts; so that no loss is caused (to anyone). Thus it is
ordained by Allah; and Allah is All-Knowing Most Forbearing"
[Al-Qur’an 4:11-12]
"They ask
thee for a legal decision. Say: Allah directs (them) about those who leave
no descendants or ascendants as heirs. If it is a man that dies, leaving a
sister but no child, she shall have half the inheritance. If (such a
deceased was) a woman who left no child, Her brother takes her inheritance.
If there are two sisters, they shall have two thirds of the inheritance
(between them). If there are brothers and sisters, (they share), the male
having twice the share of the female. Thus doth Allah (swt) makes clear to
you (His knowledge of all things).
[Al-Qur’an 4:176]
In most of
the cases, a woman inherits half of what her male counterpart inherits.
However, this is not always the case. In case the deceased has left no
ascendant or descendent but has left the uterine brother and sister, each of
the two inherit one sixth. If the deceased has left children, both the
parents that is mother and father get an equal share and inherit one sixth
each. In certain cases, a woman can also inherit a share that is double that
of the male. If the deceased is a woman who has left no children, brothers
or sisters and is survived only by her husband, mother and father, the
husband inherits half the property while the mother inherits one third and
the father the remaining one sixth. In this particular case, the mother
inherits a share that is double that of the father. It is true that as a
general rule, in most cases, the female inherits a share that is half that
of the male. For instance in the following cases:
In Islam a
woman has no financial obligation and the economical responsibility lies on
the shoulders of the man. Before a woman is married it is the duty of the
father or brother to look after the lodging, boarding, clothing and other
financial requirements of the woman. After she is married it is the duty of
the husband or the son. Islam holds the man financially responsible for
fulfilling the needs of his family. In order to do be able to fulfill the
responsibility the men get double the share of the inheritance. For example,
if a man dies leaving about Rs. One Hundred and Fifty Thousand, for the
children (i.e one son and one daughter) the son inherits One Hundred
Thousand rupees and the daughter only Fifty Thousand rupees. Out of the one
hundred thousand which the son inherits, as his duty towards his family, he
may have to spend on them almost the entire amount or say about eighty
thousand and thus he has a small percentage of inheritance, say about twenty
thousand, left for himself. On the other hand, the daughter, who inherits
fifty thousand is not bound to spend a single penny on anybody. She can keep
the entire amount for herself. Would you prefer inheriting one hundred
thousand rupees and spending eighty thousand from it, or inheriting fifty
thousand rupees and having the entire amount to yourself?
Question How can you prove the existence of hereafter, i.e. life after death? Answer |
1. |
Belief in the hereafter is not based on blind faith? |
Many people
wonder as to how a person with a scientific and logical temperament, can
lend any credence to the belief of life after death. People assume that
anyone believing in the hereafter is doing so on the basis of blind belief.
My belief in
the hereafter is based on a logical argument.
2. |
Hereafter a logical belief |
There are
more than a thousand verses in the Glorious Qur’an, containing scientific
facts (refer my book "Qur’an and Modern Science-Compatible or
Incompatible?"). Many facts mentioned in the Qur’an have been discovered in
the last few centuries. But science has not advanced to a level where it can
confirm every statement of the Qur’an.
Suppose 80%
of all that is mentioned in the Qur’an has been proved 100% correct. About
the remaining 20%, science makes no categorical statement, since it has not
advanced to a level, where it can either prove or disprove these statements.
With the limited knowledge that we have, we cannot say for sure whether even
a single percentage or a single verse of the Qur’an from this 20% portion is
wrong. Thus when 80% of the Qur’an is 100% correct and the remaining 20% is
not disproved, logic says that even the 20% portion is correct. The
existence of the hereafter, which is mentioned in the Qur’an, falls in the
20% ambiguous portion which my logic says is correct.
3. |
Concept of peace and human values is useless without the concept of hereafter |
Is robbing a
good or an evil act? A normal balanced person would say it is evil. How
would a person who does not believe in the hereafter convince a powerful and
influential criminal that robbing is evil?
Suppose I am
the most powerful and influential criminal in the world. At the same time I
am an Intelligent and a logical person. I say that robbing is good because
it helps me lead a luxurious life. Thus robbing is good for me.
If anybody
can put forward a single logical argument as to why it is evil for me, I
will stop immediately. People usually put forward the following arguments:
The person who is robbed will face difficulties
Someone may rob you
The police may arrest you
Its easy money
It is against humanity
It is a selfish act
When all the
Muslim follow one and the same Qur’an then why are there so many sects and
different schools of thoughts among Muslims?
1. |
Muslims Should be United |
It is a fact
that Muslims today, are divided amongst themselves. The tragedy is that such
divisions are not endorsed by Islam at all. Islam believes in fostering
unity amongst its followers.
Which is the
rope of Allah that is being referred to in this verse? It is the Glorious
Qur’an. The Glorious Qur’an is the rope of Allah which all Muslims should
hold fast together. There is double emphasis in this verse. Besides saying
‘hold fast all together’ it also says, ‘be not divided’.
further says,
"Obey Allah,
and obey the Messenger"
[Al-Qur’an 4:59]
All the
Muslim should follow the Qur’an and authentic Ahadith and be not divided
among themselves.
2. |
It is Prohibited to make sects and divisions in Islam |
Glorious Qur’an says:
"As for those
who divide
Their religion and break up Into sects, thou hast No part in them in the least: Their affair is with Allah: He will in the end Tell them the truth Of all that they did." [Al-Qur’an 6:159]
In this verse
Allah (swt) says that one should disassociate oneself from those who divide
their religion and break it up into sects.
But when one
asks a Muslim, "who are you?", the common answer is either ‘I am a Sunni,
or ‘I am a Shia’. Some call themselves Hanafi, or Shafi
or Maliki or Humbali. Some say ‘I am a Deobandi’, while
some others say ‘I am a Barelvi’.
3. |
Our Prophet was a Muslim |
One may ask
such Muslims, "Who was our beloved prophet (pbuh)? Was he a Hanafi or
a Shafi, or a Humbali or a Maliki?" No! He was a
Muslim, like all the other prophets and messengers of Allah before him.
It is
mentioned in chapter 3 verse 52 of Al-Qur’an that Jesus (pbuh) was a Muslim.
Further, in
chapter 3 verse 67, Al-Qur’an says that Ibrahim (pbuh) was not a Jew or a
Christian but was a Muslim.
4. |
Qur’an says call yourselves Muslim |
5. |
Respect all the Great Scholars of Islam |
We must respect all the great scholars of Islam, including the four Imaams, Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Shafi, Imam Humbal and Imam Malik (may Allah be pleased with them all). They were great scholars and may Allah reward them for their research and hardwork. One can have no objection if someone agrees with the views and research of Imam Abu Hanifa or Imam Shafi, etc. But when posed a question, ‘who are you?’, the reply should only be ‘I am a Muslim’. | ||||
6. |
Some may argue by quoting the hadith of our beloved Prophet from Sunan Abu Dawood Hadith No. 4579. In this hadith the prophet (pbuh) is reported to have said, "My community will be split up into seventy-three sects."
This hadith
reports that the prophet predicted the emergence of seventy-three sects. He
did not say that Muslims should be active in dividing themselves into sects.
The Glorious Qur’an commands us not to create sects. Those who follow the
teachings of the Qur’an and Sahih Hadith, and do not create sects are the
people who are on the true path.
According to
Tirmidhi Hadith No. 171, the prophet (pbuh) is reported to have said, "My
Ummah will be fragmented into seventy-three sects, and all of them will
be in Hell fire except one sect." The companions asked Allah’s messenger
which group that would be. Where upon he replied, "It is the one to which I
and my companions belong."
The Glorious
Qur’an mentions in several verses, "Obey Allah and obey His Messenger". A
true Muslim should only follow the Glorious Qur’an and the Sahih Hadith. He
can agree with the views of any scholar as long as they conform to the
teachings of the Qur’an and Sahih Hadith. If such views go against the Word
of Allah, or the Sunnah of His Prophet, then they carry no weight,
regardless of how learned the scholar might be.
If only all
Muslims read the Qur’an with understanding and adhere to Sahih Hadith,
Inshallah most of these differences would be solved and we could be one
united Muslim Ummah
18. ALL
All religions
basically teach followers to do good deeds. Why should a person only follow
Islam? Can he not follow any of the religions?
1. |
Major difference between Islam and most other religions |
All religions basically exhort mankind to be righteous and eschew evil. But Islam goes beyond that. It guides us towards practical ways of achieving righteousness and eliminating evil from our individual and collective lives. Islam takes into account human nature and the complexities of human society. Islam is guidance from the Creator Himself. Therefore, Islam is also called the Deen-ul-Fitrah (the natural religion of Man). | ||||
2. |
Example - Islam commands us to shun robbery and also prescribes method of eleminating robbery |
3. |
Example: Islam prohibits the molestation and rape of women. It enjoins hijaab and prescribes capital punishment for a convicted rapist. |
4. |
Islam has Practical Solutions for the Problems of Mankind |
Islam is the best way of life because its teachings are not doctrinaire rhetoric but practical solutions for the problems of mankind. Islam achieves results both at the individual and collective levels. Islam is the best way of life because it is a practical, universal religion not confined to any ethnic group or nationality. | ||||
19. VAST
If Islam
is the best religion, why are many of the Muslims dishonest, unreliable, and
involved in activities such as cheating, bribing, dealing in drugs, etc.?
1. |
Media maligns Islam |
2. |
Black sheep in every community: |
I am aware that there are some Muslims who are dishonest, unreliable, who cheat, etc. but the media projects this as though only Muslims are involved in such activities. There are black sheep in every community. I know Muslims who are alcoholics and who can drink most of the non-Muslims under the table. | ||||
3. |
Muslims best as a whole: |
Inspite of all the black sheep in the Muslim community, Muslims taken on the whole, yet form the best community in the world. We are the biggest community of tee-totallers as a whole, i.e. those who don’t imbibe alcohol. Collectively, we are a community which gives the maximum charity in the world. There is not a single person in the world who can even show a candle to the Muslims where modesty is concerned; where sobriety is concerned; where human values and ethics are concerned. | ||||
4. |
Don’t judge a car by its driver: |
If you want
to judge how good is the latest model of the "Mercedes" car and a person who
does not know how to drive sits at the steering wheel and bangs up the car,
who will you blame? The car or the driver? But naturally, the driver. To
analyze how good the car is, a person should not look at the driver but see
the ability and features of the car. How fast is it, what is its average
fuel consumption, what are the safety measures, etc. Even if I agree for the
sake of argument that the Muslims are bad, we can’t judge Islam by its
followers? If you want to judge how good Islam is then judge it according to
its authentic sources, i.e. the Glorious Qur’an and the Sahih Hadith.
5. |
Judge Islam by its best follower i.e. Prophet Mohammed (pbuh): |
If you practically want to check how good a car is put an expert driver behind the steering wheel. Similarly the best and the most exemplary follower of Islam by whom you can check how good Islam is, is the last and final messenger of God, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Besides Muslims, there are several honest and unbiased non-Muslim historians who have acclaimed that prophet Muhammad was the best human being. According to Michael H. Hart who wrote the book, ‘The Hundred Most Influential Men in History’, the topmost position, i.e. the number one position goes to the beloved prophet of Islam, Muhammad (pbuh). There are several such examples of non-Muslims paying great tributes to the prophet, like Thomas Carlyle, La-Martine, etc. | ||||
Why do
Muslims abuse non-Muslims by calling them ‘Kafirs’?
1. |
‘Kafir’ means one who rejects. |
is derived from the word ‘kufr’, which means to conceal or to reject.
In Islamic terminology, ‘Kafir’ means one who conceals or rejects the
truth of Islam and a person who rejects Islam is in English called a
2. |
If non-Muslims are hurt - they should accept Islam. |
If any non-Muslim considers the
word ‘Kafir’ i.e. ‘non-Muslim’ as an abuse, he may choose to accept
Islam and then we will stop referring to him as or call him a kafir
i.e. a non-Muslim. ::source> |
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